somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known-
Carl Sagan

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

50 places from which to explore outer space

1. NASA : Easily the best online resource for space aficionados everywhere, NASA’s expansive archive of photos, videos, articles, and other media make this a must-bookmark site.

2. Universe Today : This extremely popular blog allows readers to not only explore the universe right from their computers, but understand the technologies that allow it to happen.

3. The Planetary Society : Learn everything there is to know about the cosmos by exploring The Planetary Society’s blog and reading all about their past, current, and future projects.

4. : Watch videos, gaze at marvelous photos, and engage in numerous other multimedia activities that shed light on the wonders of the universe.

5. SETI@home : Regardless of whether or not one believes in extraterrestrial life forms, SETI provides a neat opportunity for the citizenry to participate in analyzing radio signals directly from outer space.

6. SETI : Beyond their SETI@home project, the scientists associated with the organization have compiled an extensive resource on their inquiries into astrobiology and other obscure, space-related subjects.

7. Astronomy Picture of the Day : Every day, NASA posts a stunning picture from its archives for space fanatics to enjoy. Be sure to read the accompanying explanations by professional astronomers as well!

8. YouTube – NASAtelevision’s Channel : Visit NASA’s main hub for over 900 videos regarding missions, astronomical phenomena, and much, much more.

9. moon calendar : This Java applet by Paul Carlisle allows fans of outer space to explore the phases of the moon for any month between January 3999 B.C.E. and December 3999 C.E.

10. Planetary Science Research Discoveries : The State of Hawai’i shares all of the latest news and information regarding the Solar System’s eclectic mix of celestial bodies in a manner that is suitable for general audiences.

11. Hawai’i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology : Explore the cosmos alongside the scientists and students at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, who share their current projects and research to those wanting to know and see more of what lay beyond Earth.

12. SEDS : Students for the Exploration and Development of Space urges others to support their cause, providing them with compelling research and information.

13. Views of the Solar System : Soak up some celestial splendor with this excellent website, which comes straight to readers chock-full of photos and information on the history and technology of space exploration.

14. Astronomical Society of the Pacific : Delight in everything that ASP has to offer fans of space exploration, including research, education programs, and other activities – some of which, however, involves effort outside the website.

15. EarthSky : Though not focusing exclusively on outer space, EarthSky helps viewers peer into the heavens and understand how all the different scientific fields of inquiry interconnect with one another.

16. SLOOH : Lovers of space exploration should sign up for a free account with SLOOH for access to an online observatory crammed with wondrous sights.

17. MicroObservatory : A joint venture between Harvard University and NASA, the MicroObservatory places space exploration in the hands of visitors by offering them a chance to see the universe as their telescopes do.

18. StarDate Online : Read, look at stunning photographs, listen to the radio, and much more at StarDate Online, where space aficionados converge to learn all they can about the cosmos and apply their knowledge to backyard astronomy.

19. : Astronomy magazine’s official website carries over the same love of outer space as the print version, with many multimedia online features to enjoy and explore.

20. Kalamazoo Astronomical Society : Hit up KAS’s website for news, views, inspiration, resources and – of course – drop dead gorgeous photography by the organization’s members.

21. Space Today : Space Today provides visitors with comprehensive photos and descriptions of celestial figures as close as the Solar System and as far as the furthest known corners of the universe. Be sure to also stop by for all the latest news and views regarding space exploration.

22. European Space Observatory : As with the other observatories on this list, ESO provides space fanatics with many of the tools and resources they need to peer into the universe without ever having to log off the internet.

23. Space Observatory: Online Interactive Telescope : This fun little online tool targets younger children who yearn to know more about the universe beyond Earth’s borders, letting them pick the cosmic entities that interest them most.

24. ESA Portal : Check out the European Space Agency’s official website for news, resources, and multimedia explorations of the universe that is right up there with NASA in terms of comprehensive, educational quality.

25. HubbleSite : Peer through the lens of one of the world’s most famous orbiting telescopes and marvel at the breathtaking images it captures.

26. Sky & Telescope : Among its many other features, be sure to check Sky & Telescope magazine’s amazing selection of observation blogs to explore the craziness of the cosmos.

27. Star Journey : National Geographic’s interactive, online star chart greatly engages the amateur astronomer who wants to see exactly how every known structure of the universe relates to one another.

28. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Moon : Explore the moon and learn all about its nooks, crannies, and current phase with this excellent, educational online tool.

29. Space Archive : As its name implies, Space Archive serves as a nice little resource for all the latest findings from the astronomy industry, including gorgeous photos and intelligent commentaries.

30. The Deep Sky Database : More advanced astronomers will love using The Deep Sky Database to seek out interstellar phenomena based on their exacting criteria.

31. Sungazer : Sungazer provides visitors with a bevy of images and animations regarding the center of the Solar System as well as information on the equipment astronomers use to learn more about it.

32. Astronomy for The People : Wes Stone’s comprehensive online presence features essays as well as some incredible logs to engage and fascinate readers with a love of outer space.

33. Heavens-Above : Stop by Heavens-Above for information on what to expect in the sky for the evening, with special attention paid to the positions of satellites, the sun, the moon, and planets.

34. eo : Anyone hoping to explore the cosmos without ever logging out of their browsers would do well to look at eo’s phenomenal maps and orbit and satellite trackers.

35. Eagleseye : David Eagles updates his blog with numerous images of the night sky as well as reports of what to look out for on a month by month basis.

36. Geophysical Institute : The Geophysical Institute at University of Alaska Fairbanks may focus mainly on the ins and outs of planet Earth, but it still provides online spacefarers with tools to learn about current space weather and solar activity.

37. Espace L60 : Look through the universe through the lens of a 60 mm refractor, including basic information on different celestial bodies, pictures, and instructions on picking up astronomy at home.

38. : With, internet astronomers have access to maps and lists suitable for observing on or off the computer.

39. Stig’s Sky Calendar : Although it defaults to Norway, aspiring space explorers can pick their (or their closest) international city to see what sights they can expect for almost any month in the past, present, or future.

40. WorldWide Telescope : Available as both a download and a web client, Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope allows users to explore every corner of the universe as if looking through NASA’s most powerful equipment. Anyone with a love of discovering everything there is to know about the heavens must absolutely book this resource.

41. : Aimed mostly at younger children, teaches budding young stargazers how to identify the different constellations, phases of the moon, planets, deep space, and more – including handy printouts to help them when the computers shut down!

42. Celestia : Although it requires a free download and does not currently host a client version, all hopeful space explorers need to snag Celestia if they yearn for a peek into every corner of the known universe. Even those without the hard drive space to store it can gaze at the stunning screenshots.

43. Google Sky : Doing for the universe what Google Earth does for the planet, Google Sky serves as an amazing way to pick and choose which celestial bodies to observe.

44. Exploring the Planets : The Smithsonian Institute itself provides an amazing tool for learning more about the Solar System without delving too deeply into the physics and mathematics behind astronomy.

45. The Universe : Watch videos, marvel at lush photos, interact with the universe, and much more courtesy of the History Channel.

46. The Nine Planets For Kids : Let kids explore every planet in the Solar System (as well as the Sun and the Asteroid Belt) with pictures and detailed information on each of them – including the mythological roots of their names!

47. Palomar Skies : Palomar Skies allows its readers to join them in looking towards the heavens by offering pictures, updated research, and other ways to pique their curiosity about the universe.

48. Vatican Observatory : Unlike its medieval incarnation, today’s Catholic Church embraces most aspects of the sciences – and the Vatican Observatory has snapped some incredible photographs and inspired some world-class research.

49. GALEX : NASA and CalTech form a brain trust to share information and images regarding the evolution of galaxies for the enjoyment of space junkies everywhere.

50. Bradford Robotic Telescope : This amazing online telescope lets users gaze at all the wonders of the night sky without ever having to log off their browsers.

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